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CDP Data Analyst

This CDP Data Analyst exam tests the required Cloudera skills and knowledge required for data analysts to be successful in their role. The exam tests the use of Cloudera products such as Cloudera...

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$330 USD
Course Code CDP-4001
Available Formats Exam Voucher

This CDP Data Analyst exam tests the required Cloudera skills and knowledge required for data analysts to be successful in their role. The exam tests the use of Cloudera products such as Cloudera Data Visualization, Cloudera Machine Learning, Cloudera Data Science Workbench, Cloudera Data Warehouseas well as SQL, Apache Nifi, Apache Hive and other open source technologies.

NOTE: Although the exam is currently in beta (meaning that there may be some small edits made to the content) the exam allows you to earn your certification if you pass.

Who Can Benefit

This CDP Data Analyst exam tests the required Cloudera skills and knowledge required for data analysts to be successful in their role. The exam tests the use of Cloudera products such as Cloudera Data Visualization, Cloudera Machine Learning, Cloudera Data Science Workbench, Cloudera Data Warehouseas well as SQL, Apache Nifi, Apache Hive and other open source technologies.

Course Details

Exam Details

  • Exam Number: CDP-4001
  • Number of questions: 40
  • Duration: 120 minutes
  • Pass Score: unpublished
  • We do not publish exam pass scores. Candidates should not be trying to achieve any particular score. Rather they should be aiming for the highest score possible.
  • Delivery: online, proctored
  • Please review the system requirements to enable online, proctored testing through QuestionMark
  • Allowed resources: none.
  • You may not use reference materials, white papers, user guides or any other resources during your exam.


  • Use Cloudera Data Visualization Building dashboards to display summary data
  • Use Apache Hive or Apache Impala to combine data sets using unions or joins
  • Use Cloudera Data Science Workbench to create machine learning applications and prototype advanced logic
  • Use Cloudera Machine Learning to create machine learning applications and prototype advanced logic
  • Use Apache Ranger and Atlas to secure database tables
  • Use Apache Hive or Apache Impala to provide SQL access to data to browse existing databases and tables in big data systems
  • Calculate aggregate statistics, such as sums and averages, during a query using Apache Hive or Apache Impala
  • Develop and implement databases (and data collection systems?) using Cloudera Data Warehouse