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Microsoft 365 Copilot Interactive Experience for Executives

This official Microsoft Copilot course (MS-4008) teaches executives how Copilot for Microsoft 365 can significantly boost workplace productivity and innovation. Through engaging exercise, business...

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$675 USD
Course Code MS-4008
Duration 1 day
Available Formats Classroom, Virtual

This official Microsoft Copilot course (MS-4008) teaches executives how Copilot for Microsoft 365 can significantly boost workplace productivity and innovation. Through engaging exercise, business leaders learn how to craft contextual prompts for Copilot that incorporate seamless workflows into daily work.

Skills Gained

  • Define Microsoft 365 Copilot and its functionality.
  • Craft effective prompts.
  • Use Copilot in various Microsoft 365 apps (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams).
  • Generate ideas and develop concepts with Copilot.
  • Understand responsible AI.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Details

Introduction to Microsoft 365 Copilot

  • What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?
  • Explore how Microsoft 365 Copilot works
  • Explore the core components of Microsoft 365 Copilot
  • Examine how Microsoft is committed to responsible AI

An Executive's Guide to Crafting Effective Prompts in Microsoft 365 Copilot

  • Explore the art of the prompt
  • Explore Copilot Prompt Gallery
  • Catch up and prepare for the week with Microsoft 365 Copilot in Outlook
  • Draft emails, replies, and meeting agendas with Microsoft 365 Copilot in Outlook
  • Highlight key decisions and actions from Teams meetings

Envision New Ideas with Microsoft 365 Copilot

  • Exercise: Brainstorm ideas using Microsoft 365 Business Chat
  • Exercise: Develop a concept using Microsoft 365 Copilot in Word
  • Exercise: Create a presentation using Microsoft 365 Copilot in PowerPoint
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