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ONTAP Cluster Administration and Data Protection Bundle

Skills Gained By the end of this course, you will be able to: Define ONTAP cluster components Describe the role of a storage VM (storage virtual machine, also known as SVM) in the NetApp storage...

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$5,055 USD
Course Code NA-CDOTDP9
Duration 5 days
Available Formats Classroom

Skills Gained

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define ONTAP cluster components
  • Describe the role of a storage VM (storage virtual machine, also known as SVM) in the NetApp storage architecture
  • Configure an ONTAP cluster
  • Configure and manage storage resources
  • Configure and manage networking resources
  • Create and configure a storage VM
  • Create, manage, and protect NetApp FlexVol® volumes
  • Implement storage efficiency features
  • Manage ONTAP administrator access and user accounts
  • Maintain NetApp storage systems
  • Describe and distinguish the data protection features in ONTAP software
  • Administer the appropriate ONTAP data protection feature to address your data protection concern
  • Configure NetApp SnapMirror® relationships for disaster recovery and data backup
  • Demonstrate SVM DR
  • Illustrate NDMP-enabled operations to back up NAS data to tape
  • Integrate the cloud-based data protection solutions that complement your ONTAP based storage systems
  • Structure NetApp MetroCluster components and functionality
  • Illustrate NetApp SnapMirror Business Continuity components and functionality

Who Can Benefit

  • Network Engineers
  • Channel Partners
  • System Engineers
  • NetApp Customers


  • Completion of the following web based training modules:
  • ONTAP Cluster Fundamentals (web-based training [WBT])
  • ONTAP NAS Fundamentals (WBT)
  • ONTAP SAN Fundamentals (WBT)