Take your skills to the next level with Accelebrate's Advanced Angular training. Students gain an understanding of application architecture and design best practices in Angular, as well as learn how to authenticate, unit test, and manage application state in an Angular application.
Skills Gained
- Unit test all parts of an application including Components, Services, and Pipes
- Implement Authentication and Authorization in an Angular Application
- Optimize Angular Performance by changing Change Detection Strategies
- Setup new projects from scratch using the Angular CLI
- Scaffold modules, components, services, models, routes, and unit tests in accordance with best practices using the Angular CLI
- Write End-to-End Tests (optional; taught only if this applies to your group)
- Upgrade an existing application to the current Angular version (optional; taught only if this applies to your group)
Students should have taken Accelebrate's Introduction to Angular class or have the equivalent experience.
RxJS and Observables
- What is an Observable?
- Creating Observables
- What is an Observer?
- Observer Example
- Operators: map, switchMap, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged
- Practical Application of using RxJS
- Subscriptions
- Unsubscribing from Observables in Angular (unsubscribe, Async Pipe, takeUntil)
- Subject
- Subject Example
- Subject Variants (AsyncSubject,BehaviorSubject, ReplaySubject)
- EventEmitter or Observable
- RxJS Operators and HTTP
Unit Testing
- Tools: Jasmine, Karma
- Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach,matchers
- Setup and your First Test
- Testing Terminology: Mock, Stub, Spy, Fakes
- Angular Testing Terminology: TestBed, ComponentFixture, debugElement, async, fakeAsync, tick, inject
- Simple Component Test
- Detecting Component Changes
- Testing a Component with properties (inputs) and events (outputs)
- Testing a Component that uses the Router
- Testing a Component that depends on a Service
- Testing a Service and Mocking its HTTP requests
- Best Practices
- Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
- Trusting values with the DOMSanitizer
- HTTP Attacks (CSRF and CSSI)
- Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Authorization: Router Guards
Change Detection
- Understanding Zone.js and Change Detection
- Change Detection Strategies Default and OnPush
Advanced Routing
- Lazy-loading Angular Modules (using Dynamic Imports)
- Nested or Child Routes
Advanced Dependency Injection
- Providers
- Hierarchical Injection
- providedIn options: root, module, platform, any
- Creating a custom Pipe using PipeTransform
- Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes
Choose any two additional topics. If desired, the course can be customized to include more than two of these topics if other topics are scaled back or removed.
npm QuickStart
- Installing Dependencies
- Understanding package.json and package-lock.json
- Using npm as a Build Tool
Managing Shared Application State using ngrx and Redux
- Benefits Overview
- Three Principles of Redux: Single Source of Truth, State is Read-Only, Pure Functions
- Examples of Pure Functions
- Reducers
- Simple ngrx Example
- Time-traveling with Redux Devtools
- Full ngrx Example Application
Upgrade Strategies from AngularJS
- High-level Approaches
- Concept Mapping AngularJS to Angular
- UpgradeAdapter
- What can be Upgraded or Downgraded
- What cannot be Upgraded or Downgraded
- UpgradeAdapter and Dependency Injection
End-to-End Testing
- What is Protractor?
- Why Protractor?
- Using Locators
- Page Objects
- Debugging E2E Tests