JUnit 5 is substantively different than JUnit 4. Although the core testing principles are the same, there are substantial implementation differences, important new features, and a brand new extension model.
Accelebrate's Java Testing with JUnit 5 teaches experienced Java developers the fundamentals of unit testing using JUnit 5 and Mockito libraries. Attendees learn how to test enterprise components in the persistence, service, and web layers. Best practices are emphasized and demonstrated throughout this course.
Skills Gained
- Understand the new JUnit 5 library structure, role of each component, and how they interact
- Configure IDE projects to run tests natively, and via Maven Surefire
- Write cohesive and effective tests and design classes for testability
- Understand the full test lifecycle, and employ it to configure test fixtures
- Run tests using all available mechanisms: IDE, Maven, JUnit Console Launcher, Launcher API
- Use test discovery and filtering to define and run test plans, including conditional test execution
- Employ naming conventions at every level - test name, classname, display name
- Organize tests with assertion groups and nested tests
- Use test interfaces to apply good OO principles to testing
- Understand the new JUnit extension model, and how to write and use them
- Understand JUnit 4 compatibility and migration
- Use mock objects with Mockito to support isolated testing
- Explore Mockito's facilities for dependency injection of mocks
- Use argument matchers for more generalized testing with mocks
- Implement partial mocking with spies
- Understand the issues in testing enterprise components
- Understand the two basic approaches: standalone testing with mocks, and in-container testing
- Test database access components, using both fakes and an embedded database
- Understand the additional issues involved in testing
All students must have a good working knowledge of Java and OO, including the use of interfaces, abstract classes, collections, factories, and generics. Experience with Java 8 lambda expressions is helpful, but not required.
Training Materials
All JUnit 5 training students receive comprehensive courseware.
Software Requirements
- A recent version of Windows, macOS, or Linux with at least 8 GB RAM
- JDK 8 or later
- Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
- Other free software - please contact us if you have purchased this class
- Introduction
- Unit Testing with JUnit 5
- Overview
- Unit Testing and JUnit Overview
- New Features in JUnit 5
- JUnit 5 Library Components
- Naming Conventions and Organizing Tests
- Tests and Assertions
- Writing Test Methods
- Assertions
- Assertion Messages
- Test Fixtures and Test Lifecycle
- Creating and Using Text Fixtures
- Test Run Lifecycle: @BeforeEach and @AfterEach, @BeforeAll and @AfterAll
- Controlling Test Instances
- Writing and Running Tests (includes a brief primer on Java 8 new features)
- Additional Testing Needs
- Testing for Exceptions
- Setting Timeouts
- Assertion Groups
- Running Test
- IDE Support: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA
- Maven Configuration
- JUnit Platform Console Launcher
- Launcher API
- Test Discovery and Selection
- Display Names
- Grouping and Filtering with Tags
- Configuration Parameters
- Nested Tests
- Advanced Capabilities
- Custom Composed Annotations
- Inheritance with Test Classes
- Extensions
- Conditional Test Execution
- Parameterized Tests
- JUnit 4 Migration
- The Do-Nothing Case
- Using a JUnit 4 Runner
- API Changes
- JUnit 4 Runners and Rules
- JUnit 4 Test Suites
- Best Practices
- Testing Void and Private Methods
- Test Cohesion and Assertion Scope
- Characteristics of Good Tests
- Writing Testable Code
- Testing Anti-Patterns
- Testing with Mocks
- Overview
- Mock Objects as Collaborators
- Mockito Overview
- Creating and Using Mocks
- Basic Steps in Mocking
- The Mockito Class
- Mock Creation with @Mock
- JUnit 5 MockitoExtension
- Stubbing
- Additional Capabilities
- Argument Matchers
- Partial Mocking with Spies
- Mocking the Unmockable
- Dependency Injection of Mocks
- Testing Enterprise Components
- Overview
- Unit Testing vs. Integration Testing
- Testing with Mocks vs. In-Container Testing
- Mocks vs. Fakes
- Testing the Persistence Layer
- Database Options: Installed, Embedded, Embedded-in-Memory
- Standalone vs. In-Container Testing
- Test Independence and Transaction Rollback
- In-Container Testing with Arquillian [Overview]
- Testing Services
- Similar Issues, Different Layer
- Working with External Resources
- The Argument for In-Container Testing
- Testing Web Components
- Interfacing with External Clients
- Difficulties in Standalone Testing with Mocks
- Manual vs. Automated Testing
- Automated Testing with Selenium [Overview]
- Conclusion