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S/4HANA Manufacturing for Production Engineering and Operations (PEO)

Skills Gained This course will prepare you to: -Explain key features and benefits of SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for Production Engineering and Operations (PEO) -Explain the business processes that SAP...

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$3,680 USD
Course Code S4280-v018
Duration 4 days
Available Formats Virtual, Classroom

Skills Gained

  • This course will prepare you to:
       -Explain key features and benefits of SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for Production Engineering and Operations (PEO)
       -Explain the business processes that SAP S/4HANA PEO supports around production engineering and production operations
       -Configure product and process master data, such as version- controlled manufacturing BOMs and routings that include all information needed for production planning, production costing, and shop floor execution
       -Execute manufacturing change management to orchestrates the end-to- end production engineering process
       -Execute serialized and non-serialized production process using role-specific UIs for production operators

Who Can Benefit

  • Solution Consultants
  • Project Leaders
  • Project Team Members
  • System integrators who setup and operate PEO in a business network


  • Essential:
       -Basic knowledge of manufacturing life cycle
  • Recommended:
       -SAP ERP (MM, PP, QM modules)

Course Details

Course Content

  • Manufacturing Engineering
       -Create EBOMs in S/4HANA
       -Manage Engineering Snapshots (Multi-level EBOM structures) in S/4HANA
       -Handover EBOM to MBOM using VEMP
       -Define and create various planning scopes
       -Define Model/Unit effectivity for BOM, routing and production order
       -Define major assemblies and installation kit structures
       -Use project system to maintain WBS networks with relationship to installation order
       -Create MBOMs with effectivity values and ref. points and assign them to network activities
       -Run MRP for planned order
       -Convert planned order to production order
       -Create installation orders for different model units
       -Explain version management concept
       -Introduce an engineering change
       -Explain the concept of change records
       -Analyze change impact on various objects
  • Manufacturing Process Planning
       -Explain how operation activities in S/4HANA Manufacturing relate to PEO
       -Define qualifications to be checked during the execution of production process
       -Define buyoff and buyoff items in S/4HANA for PEO
       -Define shop-floor routing with various assignments to operation activities, such as inspection characteristics, qualifications, buyoffs, etc.
       -Allocate components with reference to 3D models
       -Configure in-line work instructions with embedded data collection for the shop floor processes
       -Use standard texts for work instructions
       -Create orders and operation activities for production execution
       -Define reason codes and reason code groups for operator´s actions
       -Explain status and action schema (SAS) and use custom-defined SAS’s in the shop floor routing
       -Define action type handlers
       -Set up routings for disassembly scenarios
  • Extended Production Operations
       -Distribute work between production operators
       -Use personal work queues and other apps
       -Track serialized products and collect data about them using role- specific UIs for production operators
       -View work instruction with embedded references to 3D model, components and inspection characteristic tables
       -Use in-line work instructions with embedded data collection capability to record component and quality information
       -Record defects during production process
       -Track labor actions
       -Claim and register tools during production process
       -View PMI data in attached 3D view
       -Perform operation activities for disassembly
       -Split shop floor order into multiple orders during production execution
  • Production Monitoring
       -View and analyze as-built and genealogy details about serialized products
       -Use extended action log report to derive additional details about time and reason for an action

Course based on software release

  • S/4HANA 2021 (with enabled PEO functions)
  • SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Structure Manager 1.9 (VEMP)
  • SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Generator 9.0
  • SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer 9.0