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Decision Tree Modeling

This course includes discussions of tree-structured predictive models and the methodology for growing, pruning, and assessing decision trees. In addition, this course examines many of the auxiliary...

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$2,000 USD GSA  $1,707.69
Course Code DMDT42
Available Formats Classroom

This course includes discussions of tree-structured predictive models and the methodology for growing, pruning, and assessing decision trees. In addition, this course examines many of the auxiliary uses of trees such as exploratory data analysis, dimension reduction, and missing value imputation.

Skills Gained

  • build tree-structured models, including classification trees and regression trees
  • use the methodology for growing, pruning, and assessing decision trees
  • use decision trees for exploratory data analysis, dimension reduction, and missing value imputation.

Who Can Benefit

  • Predictive modelers and data analysts who want to build decision trees using SAS Enterprise Miner software


  • Before attending this course, you should
  • have an understanding of basic statistical concepts. You can gain this knowledge from the Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course.
  • be familiar with SAS Enterprise Miner software. You can gain this knowledge from the Applied Analytics Using SAS® Enterprise Miner™ course.

Course Details

Tree-Structured Models

  • classification trees
  • regression trees

Recursive Partitioning

  • binary and multiway splits
  • splitting criteria
  • missing values


  • p-value adjustments
  • profit and loss considerations
  • cross validation
  • class probability trees

Auxiliary Uses of Trees

  • data exploration
  • dimension reduction
  • imputation

Ensembles of Trees

  • bagging
  • boosting
  • gradient boosting
  • random forests