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Analysis and Problem Solving for Consultants (CO20) (CO20)

As clients' problems become more complex, and the desire to implement solutions that not only meet needs but deliver true business value increases, technical consultants need to develop a more...

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$1,395 USD
Course Code 8964V
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Virtual

As clients' problems become more complex, and the desire to implement solutions that not only meet needs but deliver true business value increases, technical consultants need to develop a more in-depth understanding of their clients in order to be successful. This shift combined with the fact that the solutions many organizations or internal support functions offer are also becoming broader and include more services means that technical consultants have to have business acumen and better problem solving and analysis skills.

This is an interactive workshop that helps both internal and external consultants build the skills and knowledge to better gather and analyze client information and make sense of it in order to make more effective recommendations.

Skills Gained

  • Understand your client, whether internal or external, and the context for the consulting engagement
  • Gather data to clarify the issue, opportunity, or problem to be addressed
  • Define success criteria
  • Analyze the gap between current and desired results
  • Develop and assess alternative solutions or actions
  • Select an optimal solution or action
  • Develop recommendations to present to your client

Who Can Benefit

Anyone in an internal or external consulting role

Project managers

Business analysts

IT professionals


Other technical professionals who would like to improve the outcomes of their consulting engagements by:

  • Collecting the right data from the right stakeholders
  • Effectively analyzing the data they collect
  • Identifying the right solutions


Self-study on the Consulting Skills Portal prior to class.

Course Details

1. Prework: Preparation Phase

  • Client Engagement Opportunity
  • Consulting Behaviours Benchmark Assessment
  • Consulting Engagement Life Cycle
  • Personal Needs
  • Case Study

2. Introduction

  • Introduction to course
  • Personal learning objectives
  • The Consulting Life Cycle
  • Collecting the right data

3. Understand the Client

  • Understanding the client's business mode and strategy
  • Documenting value and service chains
  • Analyzing stakeholders

4. Understand the Issue, Opportunity, or Problem

  • Identifying data requirements
  • Sources of data
  • Data collection methods
  • Documenting data
  • Determining root causes

5. Construct the Solution

  • Identifying and assessing solutions options
  • Creative thinking techniques
  • Selecting the best option

6. Develop a Recommendation

  • Summarizing findings
  • Planning your message
  • Tailoring your recommendation for your audience

7. Connection

  • Your personal action plan