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Fundamentals of IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server

This course introduces solution architects to the IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server.This course begins with a description of data transfer and associated network protocols. It explains the pros...

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$885 USD GSA  $723.68
Course Code WT020G
Duration 1 day
Available Formats Classroom

This course introduces solution architects to the IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server.

This course begins with a description of data transfer and associated network protocols. It explains the pros and cons of TCP and UCP, and how increasing bandwidth is not the answer to faster file transfer. You learn how the FASP protocol works in IBM Aspera and how FASP can maintain high performance not possible with TCP or UDP.

You learn the products of IBM Aspera, essential utilities, services, how to install the software. Then, you learn about select key features of IBM Aspera.

Through hands-on exercises, you become familiar with IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server environment. You learn the fundamentals of the technology behind Aspera high-speed file transfer. You learn how to install, use the interface to transfer files, and are introduced to the Aspera Watch Service and Nodes API operations.

This course is a subset of the 3-day course: IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server Administration (ZT011). Developers who need in-depth training with IBM Aspera should take ZT011.

Skills Gained

  • Describe the operation of the FASP protocol
  • Outline the functions of various Aspera software products
  • Understand Aspera Node API
  • Describe Hot Folders and Aspera Watch Service

Who Can Benefit

This course is intended for solution architects.



Course Details

Course Outline

  • Course introduction
  • Unit 1. Understanding IMB Aspera FASP
  • Unit 2. Overview of IBM Aspera software
  • Exercise 1. Using commands to create queue managers and queues
  • Unit 3. Key features of IBM Aspera
  • Course summary