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Anypoint Platform Operations: Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes

Install, operate, and maintain Runtime Fabric on an existing Kubernetes environment on Amazon EKS, AKS, or GKE. Anypoint Runtime Fabric™ is a container service that automates and orchestrates the...

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$1,800 USD
Course Code OPS335
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Classroom, Virtual

Install, operate, and maintain Runtime Fabric on an existing Kubernetes environment on Amazon EKS, AKS, or GKE. Anypoint Runtime Fabric™ is a container service that automates and orchestrates the deployment of Mule runtimes across any environment with centralized management through a single MuleSoft-hosted control plane. It is distributed as a package that is installable on an existing Kubernetes environment on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You operate and manage the Kubernetes environment. In the hands-on exercises, this course uses a Kubernetes cluster on Amazon EKS, but the steps are the same with minor command changes for a Kubernetes cluster on AKS or GKE.

Skills Gained

  • Describe the features, benefits, and architecture of Runtime Fabric.
  • Install and configure Runtime Fabric on self-managed Kubernetes.
  • Deploy Mule applications to Runtime Fabric.
  • Perform maintenance tasks using command-line tools.
  • Scale Runtime Fabric deployments for performance and high availability.
  • Use Anypoint Monitoring for alerts, dashboarding, and monitoring.

Who Can Benefit

This course is for Anypoint Platform administrators including operations personnel, developers, and architects who want to get hands-on experience installing, configuring, and using Runtime Fabric on a managed Kubernetes solution provided by AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

  • Note: This course does NOT teach you how to operate and manage a Kubernetes environment; your company needs to already have this expertise to use Runtime Fabric on self-managed Kubernetes. If you instead want to get experience with our integration platform as a service, take the Anypoint Platform Operations: CloudHub 2.0 course, and if you want to stay completely in your own-hosted environment, take the Anypoint Platform Operations: Customer-Hosted Runtimes course.


  • A basic knowledge and experience with the components of Anypoint Platform from one of the following: Completion of the Getting Started with Anypoint Platform course or Completion of the Anypoint Platform Development: Fundamentals course
  • A knowledge of system administration and server commands
  • A basic understanding of data formats such as XML, CSV, and JSON
  • A basic knowledge of working on Linux systems
  • A basic understanding of remote connection mechanisms such as SSL and SSH
  • (Optional, but useful) A basic understanding of containerization concepts and technologies

Course Details

Setup Requirements

  • A computer with at least 2GB available RAM and 500MB available storage
  • Unrestricted internet access to port 80 (with > 5Mbps download and > 2Mbps upload)
  • Operating system admin permissions
  • OpenJDK 8 (not 11 or a later version)
  • Apache JMeter
  • curl

Course Outline

Introducing Runtime Fabric

  • Describe the development lifecycle of Mule applications
  • Describe and navigate Anypoint Runtime Fabric
  • Distinguish between Runtime Fabric operating models
  • Distinguish between Anypoint Platform deployment options
  • List features and limitations of Runtime Fabric
  • Explain relevant concepts and underlying technologies

Installing Runtime Fabric

  • List the requirements for installing Runtime Fabric
  • Install Runtime Fabric on a provisioned Kubernetes cluster
  • Remotely access the Runtime Fabric environment
  • Install a Mule license with Runtime Fabric entitlement
  • Update Runtime Fabric

Enabling inbound traffic

  • Configure Runtime Fabric for inbound traffic
  • Describe Ingress configuration for Runtime Fabric

Deploying applications

  • List deployment options
  • Deploy and undeploy applications
  • Update and redeploy applications with zero downtime

Managing Runtime Fabric

  • Use tools for managing Runtime Fabric
  • Create reports used for troubleshooting Runtime Fabric clusters
  • Back up and restore a Runtime Fabric setup
  • Transition between Runtime Fabric on VMs/bare metal to self-managed Kubernetes
  • Enable Persistent Gateway in Runtime Fabric

Scaling for high availability and performance

  • Distinguish between horizontal and vertical scaling
  • Scale application runtime environments for high availability
  • Scale application runtime environments for performance

Logging and monitoring

  • Set up audit logging
  • Identify logging options for Mule applications and Runtime Fabric
  • Access application logs within Kubernetes
  • Retrieve, view, and filter applications logs
  • Monitor Runtime Fabric using Anypoint Monitoring

Securing Runtime Fabric and Mule applications

  • Identify security options for Runtime Fabric in Anypoint Platform
  • Protect sensitive application data using Anypoint Tokenization
  • Manage secure properties in Runtime Fabric
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